
Communicate Data with Stories


Let's face it. Don't Be Boring With Your Data! Charts, graphs and reports are not an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon meeting. They are the death blow [...]

Communicate Data with Stories2021-12-16T22:03:51-05:00

5 Semi-Pro Speaking Tips


Not one of "those" lists to improve your speaking. In the past few months, I've been seriously underwhelmed by the amount of articles online that claim to be full of [...]

5 Semi-Pro Speaking Tips2021-12-16T22:34:27-05:00

The Elusive Reader


People do not read online content. Nearly every study since the dawn of the browser has shown the same thing, people do not read your website.  However, that is [...]

The Elusive Reader2024-03-19T16:05:38-04:00

5 Steps to Better Presentations


Make Your Presentations Memorable On average I speak about 40 times a year at conferences, events and in-house training. When I am speaking at conferences, I always like to sit [...]

5 Steps to Better Presentations2021-12-17T16:06:31-05:00

What is the Real Need?


Relying on Old Sales Wisdom I love reading old sales training books. I find that the practical wisdom in them is a refreshing change from much of today's glib thoughts [...]

What is the Real Need?2022-01-29T19:27:38-05:00
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