Endless Coffee Cup Podcast #27: Find Your True Voice
Matt Bailey2021-08-03T17:07:52-04:00Find Your True Voice Matt is joined by Stewart Bewley of Amplify. Stewart helps people to find their true voice. Having met while training [...]
Find Your True Voice Matt is joined by Stewart Bewley of Amplify. Stewart helps people to find their true voice. Having met while training [...]
The past few months have been busy on the speaking circuit. I love traveling to new cities and meeting people in different industries. It's always a fun time to [...]
How to Screen Prospects Great Clients My consulting company, SiteLogic, has a steady stream of prospects that we have to work through. Since I've been in sales for over 30 [...]
Earlier, I wrote about the 5 elements to help you to communicate compelling data. From comic books to novels; fiction to fact, there are consistent elements of telling a story [...]
Let's face it. Don't Be Boring With Your Data! Charts, graphs and reports are not an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon meeting. They are the death blow [...]
Not one of "those" lists to improve your speaking. In the past few months, I've been seriously underwhelmed by the amount of articles online that claim to be full of [...]
Improving your Speaking and Presentation Skills I'll never forget the experience. It was one of the funniest, if not horrifying examples of an idiom gone wrong. The Danger of Idioms [...]
People do not read online content. Nearly every study since the dawn of the browser has shown the same thing, people do not read your website. However, that is [...]
Make Your Presentations Memorable On average I speak about 40 times a year at conferences, events and in-house training. When I am speaking at conferences, I always like to sit [...]
Relying on Old Sales Wisdom I love reading old sales training books. I find that the practical wisdom in them is a refreshing change from much of today's glib thoughts [...]