In the latest of ridiculous lawsuits against Google, this one has to be one of the most pathetic, creating a firestorm of criticism from the SEO community.
If a website is going to sue Google for losing rankings, they should at least educate themselves first as to what the typical reasons are for losing those rankings. The Google Guidelines are probably the most underutilized resource for webmasters and web managers. While suing a search engine for lost rankings leading to lost income is a joke in itself, one SEO pointed out that they also are using Google’s Adsense at the top of every page. Talk about biting the hand that feeds . . .
Other SEO’s made note that Kinderstart was nothing more than a glorified link directory. Still others pointed to specific architectural problems within the site that would cause serious problems.
The lesson here is to know full well what you are getting into. If you are going to sue Google, you will have an entire industry of SEO’s going to your site, and critically evaluating your website from every angle; programming, content and link associations.