Learn @ SiteLogic

Analytics: Data Presentation, Visualization, & Persuasion

Course Pre-Review Application

Apply to become one of three course reviewers. (A $799 course – free for 3 reviewers)

Our new course has been delivered as team training both virtually and in person. We are now launching it as a coached course, giving individuals the chance to get an even more in-depth experience by receiving personalized feedback, guidance, coaching, and encouragement. We firmly believe that this course will change your career as you gain and develop your public presentation skills. These skills are the most in-demand, and when combined with data, will transform your career prospects.

We will announce our three preview reviewers by October 30, 2023.

Course Pre-Reviewer

Learn @ SiteLogic Analytics Course Preview


Tell Us About Yourself

Status: Check any/all that apply
Please introduce yourself and tell us about your journey.
How will this course help you achieve your professional goals and enhance your skills?
How do you plan to use the knowledge and skills gained from this course in your current or future work?
Please write a short essay (500-700 words) about a professional setback that you faced. What are three lessons that you learned from it? What steps did you take to prevent it from happening again? How has this changed or impacted your professional work as a result?


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