Matt Bailey
Matt Bailey teaches Digital Marketing to the world’s biggest brands and at the most recognized universities.
Bringing marketing know-how along with extensive B2B and B2C Sales experience. His training merges sales and marketing goals to produce a more dynamic, efficient and accountable strategy.
Matt travels around the world teaching a wide range of digital marketing topics to teams within the world’s most iconic brands.
He’s taught:
• Google employees how to use Google Analytics,
• Experian how to present data, and
• Custom-developed digital marketing workshops for Microsoft, Google, Disney, Nationwide, Orange, Hewlett Packard, Proctor & Gamble, and IBM.
Matt’s training curriculum is also used at Duke University, Rutgers University, Purdue University, University of South Florida, George Washington University, Full Sail University, and hundreds of others.
According to Microsoft, “Matt has an uncanny ability to simplify the complexity of digital marketing into concepts that are understandable, relatable, and ultimately do-able.”
“Thank you for a fabulous learning experience. You are an evangelist, a philosopher and a jester. Your passion for and delight in educating folks was inspiring.”
C. Mabry – American College of Cardiology
Matt was an early internet entrepreneur, creating an online real estate business through search engine optimization. He sold that business and then moved into the world of enterprise software sales, with international accounts.
Returning to digital marketing, Matt developed Marketing and SEO departments at two agencies before founding his own marketing company, SiteLogic. During this time, requests for his training increased, as he traveled around the world for training and conference engagements.
In 2015, Matt sold his agency business and changed SiteLogic to a training and education company. Since that time, he has logged over 1 million miles training companies around the world. When he is not training, Matt resides in a quite rural area of Ohio with his wife of 25+ years and four daughters. He is a beekeeper, coffee snob, and and avid book reader.
Educator at heart
Matt prefers to use your own data, website and campaigns as the training materials for his sessions. In this way, companies are not just learning ideals and platitudes, but learning with their own data, and seeing immediate opportunities for improvement as a result.
Single Day or Two-day Training Programs
The second day can be all training or a mix of training and consulting as needed. Typically, most companies use the second day as breakout sessions for each department, which enables more specialized training.
“As a speaker Matt takes top-billing. He speaks the language of SEO and Conversion optimization and Web Analytics. His presentation is by far the most interesting and useful at the two Conferences at which I saw his presentations.”
Erik Holliday – Intertek
Matt has developed and delivered digital marketing training workshops for these (and many more) companies:

Listen to Matt’s Podcasts

[Podcast] Mental Health for Social Media Managers
Mental Health for Social Media Managers Navigating the High-Stress World of Social Media Marketing Navigating Social Media Marketing Without Losing Your Sanity Social media marketing is one of those [...]
[Podcast] Can Google Ads Survive?
Can Google Ads Survive? The Constant Challenge of Paid Search Advertising on Google Will Google Ads Survive? A Conversation on Paid Search Evolution Google Ads has been a cornerstone [...]