Spending time at the DMA Catalog conference was a great experience. Getting a perspective of marketing from many angles was a great thing. I actually sat in on a session on using list marketing – it blew my mind a little, but then I pictured how they would view a typical SEO session.
I met many great people, Amy Africa was a great usability speaker and had one of the most practical sessions I’ve even seen. 48+ ways to improve your website. All of them were very practical usability and search ideas that just never seem to get old.
One of the highlights was meeting a group of guys from Mid America Motorworks, you have to understand that with my hobby of working on Classic VW Beetle’s, this was a treat – MidAmerica has one of the most extensive catalogs of Classic VW parts.
The cool thing was meeting the President of the company talking a little ecommerce with him. I saw his official title after he gave me his card, “Chief Cheerleader”. How cool is that? That really makes a business, when the owner of the company realizes his job – to inspire, motivate and grow the company – by being a cheerleader. Great job, guys, I really enjoyed standing in the coffee line with you.
The DMA Conference was a great experience in that there were so many channels and crossover that it was really a total retail experience for any business owner who needed an all-around perspective. Spending a few days with Heather, Detlev, Lee and Amanda wasn’t bad either . . .
Next up – DM Days in NYC.