Marketing Logic Blog

Marketing Logic Blog2021-12-16T23:04:58-05:00

Read Matt’s insights for the following categories:

5 eCommerce Tips To Cash In Holiday Shopping

When was the last time a partner you worked with provided you with some information about your website engagement that actually compelled you to make a change on your website? The holiday shopping season is [...]

5 Ways that Old Sales Wisdom Works Online

Old Sales Wisdom, for Effective Online Marketing Make Online connections with Sales Wisdom When I was considering career options, my father impressed on me the importance of sales training.  One of the things [...]

5 Keys to Better Presentations

Presentation Media Your slides are an extension of your personality I've been giving presentations for over 20 years now, and have used everything from a overhead projectors, slide projectors, whiteboards, chalkboards, PowerPoint and [...]

5 Easy Email Rules for Better Open Rates

Everyone knows that getting people to open emails these days can be a challenge, especially when we are getting inundated with dozens of messages a day. Make sure you are using these 5 basic rules [...]

Transform Your Web Analytics in 3 Questions

Sadly, I find that many companies are still reporting the "Caveman Analytics" of; Unique Visitors, Avg. Time on Site and Page Views.  I call this Caveman because we were generating these reports back in [...]

Enroll Now to Accelerate Your Career

Digital Marketing OMCA Certification Course

Accelerate your career with the Online Marketing Associates Certification. OMCA certified marketers earn between 16%-26% more than their non-certified peers.

Local SEO and Google My Business

Grow your local business with these free search engine resources! See how people find you and what they do!

Learn Digital Analytics

Do you find analytics to be overwhelming and confusing? Matt teaches you how to develop a measurement strategy and define the analytics you need to grow your business.

Turn Data Into Insights

Stop copying data tables and start gaining insights! You’ll learn 6 Data Analysis Skills that will transform the way you see, analyze, and report data.

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