
5 Semi-Pro Speaking Tips


Not one of "those" lists to improve your speaking. In the past few months, I've been seriously underwhelmed by the amount of articles online that claim to be full of [...]

5 Semi-Pro Speaking Tips2021-12-16T22:34:27-05:00

A Margin of Importance


Overwhelming Data Making sales is one thing, making money is another. In working with so many people over the year, it is wonderful to be a part of [...]

A Margin of Importance2021-12-16T22:41:57-05:00

What is the Real Need?


Relying on Old Sales Wisdom I love reading old sales training books. I find that the practical wisdom in them is a refreshing change from much of today's glib thoughts [...]

What is the Real Need?2022-01-29T19:27:38-05:00
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